Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Example of last years slasher film

This is last years slasher film. In our view we think this group's work would be a level 3 (C grade). The film is good in terms of a variety of shots used, controlled camera work and using appropriate images and titles used. But obviously watching it we thought that there wasn't much creativity used. We think that it's a pretty good storyline with how the girl walks in on the killer with a dead body. But we think that the lighting could be made a bit darker to add more of an effect on the audience and to make it seem more scary. Also we think the costume the killer is wearing really isn't good because in other slasher films such as 'Halloween' and 'Nightmare on Elm Street' the killer is either wearing a mask or with 'Nightmare on Elm Street' the killer's face looks all mangled so that you can't identify who the killer really is. Whereas in this group's work the killer is just wearing a hoody which really isn't scary. Overall though it's a reasonably good film with different camera shots and angles used but we just think that it was lacking creativity.

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