Wednesday, 11 January 2012

IMDB user ratings: Halloween and Nightmare on Elm Street

Males 56,684 8.0
Females 8,128 7.7
Aged under 18 1,094 8.3
Males under 18 925 8.4
Females under 18 165 7.8
Aged 18-29 34,508 8.0
Males Aged 18-29 29,899 8.0
Females Aged 18-29 4,443 7.8
Aged 30-44 24,160 7.9
Males Aged 30-44 21,272 7.9
Females Aged 30-44 2,661 7.7
Aged 45+ 4,981 7.7
Males Aged 45+ 4,147 7.6
Females Aged 45+ 768 7.6
IMDb staff 11 7.2
Top 1000 voters 777 7.8
US users 29,548 8.2
Non-US users 33,549 7.7
IMDb users 80,590 7.9

These are the user ratings of the film Halloween (1978). Looking at the demographic we can see that this film was mainly watched by males aged between 18 and 29 but males under the age of 18 preferred it more. We can also see that a few females mainly 29 years old or younger also watched this film.

Males 27,971 5.1
Females 4,854 5.4
Aged under 18 1,337 6.1
Males under 18 983 6.0
Females under 18 346 6.5
Aged 18-29 20,914 5.3
Males Aged 18-29 17,426 5.2
Females Aged 18-29 3,366 5.5
Aged 30-44 9,559 4.8
Males Aged 30-44 8,515 4.8
Females Aged 30-44 976 4.8
Aged 45+ 1,050 4.8
Males Aged 45+ 903 4.7
Females Aged 45+ 135 5.2
Top 1000 voters 329 4.7
US users 10,427 5.1
Non-US users 20,277 5.1
IMDb users 35,184 5.1

These are the user ratings for Nightmare on Elm Street (2010). Comparing this demographic with the demographic for Halloween we can see that more people preferred Halloween to Nightmare on Elm Street. We can also see that for Nightmare on Elm Street, more females watched this film and liked it more than the males whereas Halloween had more males watch it and liked it more than the females. Although Nightmare on Elm Street was mainly liked by females at the age of 18 and younger, it was watched more by females aged 18-29 who watched this film but more males watched this film and didn't like it as much as the females who watched this film. Thinking of who our target audience is going to be from looking at these 2 demographics, we think our target audience will be both male and female at the ages of 18 and younger.

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